Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fiesta - Outspark

As many net jacked people have discovered, one of the most entertaining and enjoyable things to do on the net is to play an online game ... preferably free of course, but if it's paid-to-play, and you like it, then you pay! World Of Warcraft ring a bell anyone ?

But, i prefer free-to-play and a game that particularly caught my attention is Outsparks Fiesta Online release. Fiesta is an MMORPG that is almost toonlike in the depiction of it's characters and any anime watcher would feel right at home in it. The Fiesta world itself is also rendered beautifully, with large expanses and colourful textures, the world becomes a fairytale anime in motion with some rather eye catching designs and fluid animations.

I've been playing Fiesta for almost 3 years now on it's Apoline Server ( 6 servers are open currently ) and have 4 player characters that i use. My main character is Estora, a level 63 cleric, , and yes it is a girl character ( i prefer it that way) Oh wait .... i need to explain the classes :) well there are only 4 classes for a character the first being the Fighter class.

Fighters are your run off the mill barbarians and close combat specialists, they are the recommended class if you want to run into an area, hack and slash you way through it, and then stroll out with your sword (or axe) across your shoulder. Fighters are also excellent crowd control specialists and can maintain aggro over a large group of enemies at a time.

Clerics are the healers and support characters of the world, capable of recovering your health points (and life) as well as being masters of party buffs and being general do-gooders. playing a cleric however means that you are the slowest killer and leveler in the game too. But the good news is that other players always like to have a cleric to help and since players share experience when they are teamed together means that you wont be left behind :)

Archers are an extremely versatile class of the game and are a Kiters dream character ! this class revels in the glory of solo combat mostly because they can kill an enemy at range without getting their lovely hands dirty. Archers are also capable of attacking groups of enemies at once (Area of Effect = AoE) or attacking singly ... they poison or cause an enemy to bleed over time (Damage over Time = DoT) i've seen archers being chased by hordes of enemies that have been poisoned and die 1 at a time while the archer does a merry dance around an area ... infinitely humorous :)

Mages ... this class strikes fear into the heart of your enemies ... they are the the most powerful class in terms of damaging ability and their long range usually means that your enemies are dead before they know what hit them ! their attacks are entirely magic based and boast the most powerful AoE abilities in the world. Mages are the sting in any teams arsenal, however they do tend to die easily if you manage to get right up to them and punch 'em in the face, thats an IF i say :)

WOW ! i just realised that i've only touched the tip of the iceberg concerning this delightful game :) If you want to give this game a try ... go to the Outspark site here and register for the game , download it, and start playing , quick and easy :)

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